Rachel Ward

A Christmas Message

This time last year I was trying to feel optimistic, and failing. It had been a horrible year and we weren’t out of the woods yet. 2011 has been different. I started off struggling under what seemed like the huge weight of trying to get ‘Numbers: Infinity’ right and also worrying about my husband’s health. Well, ‘Infinity’ was published in July and my dear Ozzy is noticeably better and back at work.

‘Numbers’ and its sequel, ‘Chaos’ and ‘threequel’, ‘Infinity’, are still finding their way in the world and bringing me a constant stream of wonderful surprises at home and abroad. I’ve had two trips to Germany, and one each to Holland, Sweden and France to publicise the books. Everywhere I’ve been, my hosts have shown me so much kindness and the reaction of readers has been amazing! Sometimes I have to pinch myself that this is really happening.

Work is progressing on the ‘Numbers’ film, too. I’ve seen a draft of the script and so I’m starting to believe that the film will really happen…

Now, I’m looking ahead to 2012, and this time I really am looking ahead with optimism. I’m taking a year off from my day job, so that I can concentrate on writing Book 4, which isn’t another ‘Numbers’ book, but something different, challenging and frightening…but very enjoyable to write. I said ‘au revoir’ to my work colleagues yesterday and I will truly miss them, but I’m also looking forward to what 2012 will bring. I wonder what I’ll be able to tell you this time next year…

My year may have been better than last year, but I know that some of my readers will have had to deal with bad news and difficult situations this year and may be facing tough times ahead. I hope that you find the courage to deal with whatever life has in store and I’m sending you my very warmest thoughts and best wishes for Christmas 2011.

With love from,



This entry was posted by Rachel on December 22nd 2011
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Comments on 'A Christmas Message'
  1. its true its hard to be dealing with bad news and difficult situations..but no matter what life throws out at me i never give up no matter what. i wish you the best of luck. hope you have a wonderful year.

    Comment posted by Anri on January 13th 2012
  2. […] rachel ward – Google Blog Search « Ezine of A Random Girl: Numbers by Rachel Ward Pool heats up as prep elite vie for […]

    Comment posted by A Christmas Message | Rachel Ward Books | Rachel Ward on January 18th 2012

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