Rachel Ward

Adventures Overseas

Over the past few weeks, my feet have hardly touched the ground, with trips to Frankfurt, where I found out that I hadn’t won a prize but met lots of lovely people, and Stockholm, where I visited the charming English Bookshop. To read more about my Swedish adventure, you can visit my guest blog on The Bookwitch’s site.

I’m staying put in Bath for a while now. If you want to know what Bath looks like, this clip gives you a good tour of the sites with some very happy dancing thrown in for good measure. That’s what it’s like over here – dancing in the streets is practically compulsory!

This entry was posted by Rachel on October 30th 2011
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Comments on 'Adventures Overseas'
  1. I’d been wondering if trawling through all that sp*m in my comments box was ever worth it, when I found this little gem sitting there, surrounded by miracle enlargements and plain weird stuff.

    Comment posted by bookwitch on October 30th 2011

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