Rachel Ward

The Drowning Blog Tour

I only really blog when I’ve got something to say. Which turns out to be not very often. Not much of a surprise, as I’m a quiet sort of person. However, this week I’ve written five pieces to celebrate the publication of The Drowning. They will be hosted by five lovely book bloggers in what I believe the young folk are calling a ‘blog tour.’

I’m very grateful to my generous hosts (Queen of Contemporary, So Many Books So Little Time, Readaraptor, Fluttering Butterflies, The Mile Long Bookshelf) for letting me invade their blogs for a day. I enjoyed writing the pieces. My subjects include:

1. A piece about one of the central thread in The Drowning – domestic violence and the worrying prevalence of violence and abuse in teenage relationships. Read it on the Queen of Contemporary blog.

2. A sense of place on the So Many Books, So Little Time blog.

3. How I needed to grow up before I could write for and about teenagers on the Readaraptor blog.

4. Where my story ideas come from on the Fluttering Butterflies blog.

5. Making it up or planning – what I’ve learnt about the process of writing on The Mile Long Bookshelf blog.

I hope you enjoy the blogs. I’ve surprised myself how chatty I can be. Perhaps I’ll blog a bit more often …

This entry was posted by Rachel on May 14th 2013
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